2025 Timeline for the Class of ‘26
It's the beginning of the new year, and I want to talk to you about what 2025 is going to look like for the Class of 2026. You got a big year ahead of you, so let's make a timeline…
It's the beginning of the new year, and I want to talk to you about what 2025 is going to look like for the Class of 2026. You got a big year ahead of you, so let's make a timeline…
Today we're talking about how the ACT is changing. Last July the makers of the ACT announced they would change the test effective this April. Which is pretty fast, but important to note the changes don't go into effect for…
Hey guys, it's Eric at Solution Prep, and today we're answering the question: When will I get my SAT or ACT scores? If you take the SAT on one of the seven national test dates throughout the year, scores typically…
Hey, guys! It’s Eric at Solution Prep. Today we’re talking about how the reading and writing questions are different now — on the new digital SAT — compared to how they were on the old paper and pencil test. The…
Hey guys! It’s Eric at Solution Prep. We talk a lot about what to do in preparation for your SAT or ACT, and especially during the test. Today, we’re discussing what to do directly after you take the SAT or…
Hey guys, it's Eric at Solution Prep. The first digital SAT has come and gone here in America. Scores are out. And finally we can answer the question I've been fielding for the last two years, which is, will the…
The SAT and ACT have always been recognized as important tools to gauge a student's level of college preparedness. Scores from the new digital SAT and the paper-and-pencil ACT are accepted by schools nationwide, so it is important to prep…
Hey guys! It’s Eric at Solution Prep. And today we’re talking about the Digital SAT timeline. Junior year is testing year and you want to get all your SATs done by the end of it. That way you can move…
Hey, guys! It’s Eric at Solution Prep. Today we’re talking about sending SAT and ACT scores to colleges. If you’ll be submitting your scores — either because the college requires them or because they reflect your best academic abilities —…
Today we're talking about what changes are coming to the PSAT. This year, high schools will have from October 2nd to October 31st to administer the PSAT on whatever day or days they choose. This PSAT will be a totally…
A question I get a lot is whether it’s better to submit SAT or ACT scores to colleges. Right now, a lot of colleges have "test optional" policies, where if you don’t submit scores, it’s not supposed to hurt your…
Today we’re talking about the changing PSAT and your testing timeline. Historically, high schools have had three dates in October to choose from to administer the PSAT. Either the second Wednesday in October, the most common one. The Saturday after…
Today we’re talking about the non-calculator math section on the SAT. A lot of students hear about that and they get very nervous; they’re like, “oh no! The calculator is where my brain exists!” Well let me assure you, the…
Today we’re talking about one of the biggest changes coming to the new Digital SAT. Back in 2022, the College Board — that’s the folks that make the SAT, along with a number other products like the APs, GRE, and…
The October PSAT scores are finally in! You can check your results on CollegeBoard.org. You’re going to see three scores: Evidence-based Reading and Writing, Math, and the sum of those two for your overall score. These subjects are scored from…
Today we are discussing how the SAT coming in March 2024 will change the testing timeline for today’s sophomores. Generally speaking, junior year is testing year. You have all school year to take the SAT two to three times to…
Today, we are discussing the Superscore. About 90% of colleges will Superscore your SAT and, if you took it more than once, got your best-evidence reading and writing on one day and your best math on another day, these colleges…
It’s PSAT Week! Most high schools will have their 10th and 11th graders take the PSAT during school on the week of Wednesday, October 12th. However, some high schools may add a handful of freshmen and some schools will have…
Today, we are discussing registering for the SAT and ACT with testing accommodations. If your student has an IEP, 504 plan, or other disabilities they may be eligible for testing accommodations. This includes extra time, extra breaks, or whatever they…
Today we’re talking about if you should apply to colleges “test optional,” which is an option some colleges offer but other colleges don’t—so make sure to read their requirements carefully. On most colleges’ websites, you can find their interquartile range,…
Today I want to tell you how rising 12th, 11th, and 10th graders can make the most of their summer break. Yes, you need to relax. You need a vacation. But you also need to make the most of your…
Today I want to tell you the biggest difference between the SAT vs ACT reading sections. Section 1 on the SAT is called “Reading Comprehension.” That’s worth 400 out of the 800 points in your Evidence-Based Reading and Writing score. …
Today I want to talk to you about one section the SAT and ACT have in common that’s a little different from one test to the next - the writing & English. On the SAT, Section 2 is the Writing…
Grades and scores are the two biggest criteria top colleges use to determine which students are eligible for their college. A recent study by the CollegeBoard says that in 1998, 39% of high school students graduated with an A-average, but…
We have to talk about the big announcement that the SAT is going to change and what those changes are. It's not really a big surprise; they do change about every decade, so much so that I’m currently teaching my…
Today I want to give you a longer explanation where I’m going to talk to every junior about the year ahead for college admissions. Right now it's January, and this junior year is going to be your year for college…
PSAT scores are out now, so if you’re a 9th, 10th, or 11th grader who took the PSAT in October in school, you can get those scores today at collegeboard.org. If you don’t already have an account there, create one now…
Today I want to answer a question I get asked a lot: How many times should I take the SAT or the ACT tests for college? About 90% of colleges will "superscore" your SAT, taking your best of each section…
Today I want to tell you why the December round of the SAT or ACT is your last best first round of testing. Junior year is testing year. Ideally you want to finish all your testing by the end of…
Today I want to tell you why you do not need perfect SAT scores or ACT scores to get into your top-choice college. The fact is that top colleges in America turn away students with perfect scores all the time.…
Today I want to answer a question I get asked a lot: "Should my student take the SAT or should my student take the ACT?" In some states, every high schooler takes the SAT. In some states, every high schooler…
Today I want to tell you about the best calculator to use for the SAT and the ACT. Both tests will tell you right in the instructions that a calculator is permitted, but not required. And for the ACT, that’s…
I wanted to talk to you today a little bit about what test optional means vs what test blind means. There are a lot of schools that, either prior to the pandemic or because of the pandemic, have gone “test…
Today, I want to tell you about the testing timeline. Junior year is testing year. The SAT and ACT are designed for juniors, and if you can get both of these tests done by the end of junior year, you…
Today, I want to answer a question I get asked a lot about the science score section of the ACT. A lot of folks think you have to be able to do well in biology, or chemistry, or physics to…
One question I get asked a lot is what kinds of math are going to be tested on the SAT and the ACT. Both tests have a lot of arithmetic and a lot of Algebra 1. Yes, both tests have…