Today, I want to tell you why you shouldn't apply to too many colleges. You…
How to Apply to College for Free
Hey, guys! It’s Eric at Solution Prep, and today we’re talking about how to apply to college for free.
Submitting a college application can cost anywhere from $35 all the way up to $95 for a single college. So if you’re applying to 5 colleges, 10 colleges, or even more that can really add up to a great big pile of money.
The good news is that most colleges will allow you to apply for free if you qualify for a college application fee waiver. Early in most applications that question exists, and there’s a drop down and you can see if you fit any of that criteria. And if so — free application.
Also, if you go visit that college, very often they will give you a fee waiver just for having come see them in person; it might be in the brochure you get at the info session, might be in the goodie bag you get at the end.
And finally, some colleges will just email you a fee waiver to see — are you opening their emails? So search your inbox for the term “fee waiver” and see if anything comes up before you enter your credit card and submit that application.
Get going. And if you have questions about how to apply to college for free, call us at 732-556-8220. We are here to help.