It's the beginning of the new year, and I want to talk to you about…
10th, 11th, & 12th Grade Summer Plan
Today I want to tell you how rising 12th, 11th, and 10th graders can make the most of their summer break. Yes, you need to relax. You need a vacation. But you also need to make the most of your time and plan this summer.
For rising 12th graders, that means focusing this summer on college applications and essays. This is a much bigger project that most people think, so don’t put it off until the fall, when you’ll be busy with challenging classes, fall sports, and senior year social commitments. And if you have to take the SAT or ACT one more time, get that prep in this summer; knock it out in July, August, or September; and move on with your life.
For rising 11th graders, junior year will be testing year. You can get a jump on that by starting prep this summer and plan to take either the August SAT and September ACT or the October SAT and October ACT as your first round of testing. Then you have the rest of the year to plan out testing a second or third time to make the most of your superscore.
For rising 10th graders, this is your summer to explore. Take an enrichment class at a college, get a job, do some research. Do something that will contribute to your intellectual curiosity or passions that you’ll describe some day to colleges in your application essays.
If you have more questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at 732-556-8220. We are here to help.