Hey guys, it's Eric at Solution Prep, and today we're talking about why you might…
Should You Apply “Undecided”?
One question I get asked a lot is, “What if I don’t know what I want to major in?” Applying for college when you are undecided is okay.
It is totally okay to not know what you want to do for the rest of your life right now. Don’t think about a major in those terms. Think about a major in terms of what are you interested to learn more about? What kind of job might you like to have? And if you change your mind at some point during college, that’s fine. You’re not committing for the rest of your life right now.
The challenge with choosing to apply “undecided” is that so many competitive colleges ask you, “Why are you interested in your major?” as a school-specific supplemental essay question, or “Why are you interested in our college?” where it can be helpful to write about what that school offers for your specific major while answering that question.
The only time I really encourage a student to apply “undecided” is if the major you really want is super-competitive at that college, but they will let you transfer into that program during sophomore year. Some very competitive programs don’t let you do that, so make sure to read the fine print first.
Either way, get cracking, and if you have more questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at 732-556-8220. We are here to help.